
Anacostia Marches on 7D police station against Mayor's crime bill

On the 20th of October, Anacostia residents and anti-racist activists marched against Mayor Bowser's crime bill. The march started at the Congress Heights Metro station and ended with a street blockade in front of the 7D police station. Mayor Bowser wants to give cops more power to search people's homes and obtain GPS records on almost anyone under court "supervision," essentially legalizing Stop and Frisk for anyone who has already been arrested at least once-and anyone sharing their home.

Update 10-22:Wash Post calls crime bill "dead on arrival."

Video set to music, compiled from Twitter/Vine clips by Taylor Griffin and ActivismTech

Marching on 7D-Photo by Party for Socialism and Liberation

No to Bowser's Stop and Frisk crime bill!

KKK's Washington Football Team rally: fail or hoax?

On the 19th of October, there was no sign of the KKK or the rally supporting the Washington Football Team's racist name they were supposed to have. There was some suspicous activity, however. A far-right wing truck festooned with anti-abortion signs appeared-but turned out to be a local street preacher. At almost exactly the right time, the Secret Service closed off the Ellipse., as close to the "White House South Lawn" the City Paper story called for as anyone was likely to get. At about 8PM part of it was reopened. It is possible the KKK was there but in so small a presence they could not be seen, or that the Secret Service was making sure they did not get near the White House.

Secret Service tapes off the Ellipse at about 7:30PM-just the right time to either protect or pre-empt a late KKK. No sign of a helicopter landing there (usual reason to close the Ellipse) before 8PM when it was partially reopened.

KKKolumbus Day event at Union Station draws protest

On the 12th of October, the Italian Embassy held a ceremonial wreath-laying at the statue of Christopher Columbus, the notorious slave-trader who revealed the existance of Turtle Island to European raiders and land thieves. In the back of the crowd, signs of dissent quickly appeared. One read “How is this still a thing ???” and another simply "Celebrate Indigenous People."

Reportback from Kwame Ture Brigade march to Justice or Else rally

On the 10th of October, the All-African People's Revolutionary Party held a march from Malcolm X Park, past the White House, to the Mall. The Mall was the site of the massive "Justice or Else" rally held on the anniversary of the 1995 Million Man March. Many at the Justice or Else rally spoke on the crisis of ongoing police murder of African-American youth. Earlier in the week, the head of the US Capitol Police was forced to apologize for an email predicting "violence" at this event(there was none to be seen). The Park Police did not seem to take any overtly aggressive action but did have an armored vehicle on site, along with a long line of horse trailers in reserve.

Video clips of the Kwame Ture Brigade march plus horse cops and armored vehicle

The Kwame Ture Brigade's march from an overpass on 16th st

Kwame Ture Brigade

Native American activists condemn Pope's decision to canonize Junipero Serra

On the 23ed of September, five Native American activists protested at Lafayette Square in DC as Pope Francis canonized Junipero Serra, the notorious founder of California's "Indian Mission" system when CA was part of "New Spain" in the 1700's. More Native Americans protested at the Carmel-by-the-Sea mission in CA, where Serra is buried and the canonization was shown live on a big screen Jumbotron.

Two days earlier, Native American activist Louise Thundercloud gave this video interview about why Junipero Serra should not be declared a saint by the White House barricades

Interview: No sainthood for  Junipero Serra, torturer of Native Americans

Anti-racist protesters disrupt "Southern Heritage Rally," destroy Confederate flags

On the 5th of September, a "Southern Heritage Rally" waving Confederate flags showed up in Upper Senate Park, just north of the US Capitol. The Capitol Police attempted to protect them from a much larger group of anti-racist protesters but were outflanked by a street march. Protesters circled the area, got around the cops, and got between the Confederate flag wavers and their cars and Metro. This set up a "Capture the Flag" match in which several Confederate flags were captured and destroyed. The racists had to run a gauntlet of protesters to escape.

Video-protesters march around the cops, catch Confederate flag waving racists

Applying fire to a Confederate flag. It was polyester and difficult to ignite, so it was torn up

Capture the flag!

Protesters march in Baltimore as cops who killed Freddie Gray get 1st court date

On the 2nd of September, the six killer cops responsible for the death of Freddie Grey faced a courtroom for their first hearing. Their defense motions to throw out the charges entirely was rejected, but the court severed the cases from each other. Thus there will be six separate cases, none hearing ALL of the evidence. This reduced the odds of convicting any of these murderers. Outside protesters marched and video has emerged of one of them being tackled and arrested by Baltimore's worst. At 6;30PM, protesters returned to the courthouse for the weekly "West Wednesday" protest organized by the family of Tyrone West. Tyrone was beaten to death by Baltimore police after a traffic stop, and no charges were filed against the cops. All of these protests have been peaceful, yet cops glowered and stood ostentatously blocking exit routes.

Video-Baltimore Bloc's and Jessa's clips of protester tackled,Taser held to his neck followed by police charge at crowd

Video-West Wednesday marches from courthouse to City Hall

Mayor Bowser shouted down for proposing more cops, searches, house raids

On the 27th of August, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser had the nerve to show up in Ward 8 and propose more police and more searches and house raids as the answer to rising crine. Black Lives Matter activists shouted down her denials that this would be "Stop and Frisk" in DC. She had to leave the stage under a chorus of boos as the audience resoundingly rejected her proposal for more cops, searches, and raids.

Washington City Paper youtube video of Muriel Bowser's search proposal being shouted down

Still from the Washington City Paper's video

Activists deliver petitions to DOJ demanding Federal investigation of Sandra Bland's death

On the 26th of August, activists delivered twelve boxes of signed petitions to the Dept of Justice demanding they take over investigation of the death in custody of Sandra Bland. Waller County, Texas officials are trying to sell their claim that her death was a suicide. On the other hand, it is a certainty that Sandra would still be alive if she had not been pulled over. Additionally, most lynchings of African-Americans have been by hanging, and Waller County has a documented history of racial discrimination.

Video of DOJ accepting petitions set to Sandra's favorite song as performed at this event

DOJ accepting Sandra Bland petitions
