
Argentina Braces For Default

by Merry PhamArgentina is likely to default barring a last-minute breakthrough in negotiations with hold-outs or a court order. Argentina's grace period to pay bonds restructured after its 2001 default expires July 30th. United States District Judge Thomas Griesa ruled Argentina cannot pay the 92% of restructured bond holders unless Argentina also pays hold-out predatory hedge funds in full. "Argentina is hours from default," said Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of the religious financial reform organization, Jubilee USA Network. "At this point, a deal seems unlikely.

Posters near Union Station threaten strike over low wages

On the 27th of July, I saw these posters while riding past Union Station. They condemn Union Station for paying poverty wages while making $168 million a year, and ask people to sign a petition. The word "strike" is prominantly featured on the posters, which can be construed as a warning to Union Station to pay a living wage or else.

IMF Paper: Corporate Tax Avoidance Hurts Global Economy and Poor Countries

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a staff paper noting that corporate tax avoidance negatively impacts all economies, but hurts developing countries the most. The IMF's release comes as the G20, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and United Nations bodies seek vehicles to diminish corporate tax avoidance. "The developing world loses more in corporate tax avoidance than it receives in aid from developed countries," stated Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of the religious anti-poverty group, Jubilee USA Network.

Starbucks CEO confronted by former barista over low wages at DC event

Remember Starbucks, the corporation made famous among global justice activists by Seattle? Well, Starbucks exploits workers in 2014 like they did in 1999, and former employee Sam Dukore caught CEO Howard Schultz at a DC event where Starbucks was promoting online classes.

Youtube video by Starbucks Workers Union and IWW

Wal-Mart strikers, JWJ March through DC

On the 6th of June, Wal-Mart strikers and DC Jobs with Justice marched through the streets of DC.

Youtube video posted by Respect DC

"Fitness Tax" draws protest at Wilson Building

On the 3rd of June, staffers and customers from several gyms showed up in front of the Wilson Building to oppose the extension of sales taxes to gyms and health clubs, calling it the "fitness tax." They complained about getting only 18 hours notice of the proposal, one that sank the last time it was introduced.

HD 720p video on Archive-download (16mb) if you can't play it in browser

Hundreds turn out in drenching rain for anti-TPP union rally

On the 7th of May, hundreds of people, many in CWA rain ponchos and umbrellas, showed up in front of the US Capitol to demand that Congress reject the proposed TPP or Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Download Video

Fast Food workers confront National Restaurant Association

On the 29th of April, fast food workers backed by the IWW and Occupy folks confronted a ritzy National Restaurant Association banquet at the Ronald Reagan Building.
Video featuring confrontations between protesters and restaurant bosses

Rising Voices storms GE, Koch headquarters, 12 arrests at White House CD

On the 28th of April, the National People's Action/Rising Voices brought at least 1500 people to the streets of DC demanding a living wage and an end to deportations.
Youtube Video of White House arrests
Youtube Video of National People's Action storming GE

Protesters storm Koch HQ

Respect DC marches on H st Wal-Mart

On the 23ed of April, Respect DC marched on the Wal-Mart at H st NW, demanding compensation for workers injured or killed in their supply chain.

Respect DC inside the H st Wal-Mart. Photo by DC Jobs with Justice
