
Cleveland RNC protests begin amid armed tension

Ongoing coverage from the Cleveland GOP Convention.

The afternoon Shut Down Trump march on July 17-photo by Moorehead/Lilly '16

"Shut down Trump" marches on GOP Convention

A modest proposal for the Trump/RNC protests in Cleveland

The Cleveland pigs have decreed that things like gas masks, food coolers, bicycle locks, and squirt guns are banned in a huge "event zone" covering a good part of downtown Cleveland during the Repugnican National Convention. Squirt guns are banned but due to the state's "open carry" law REAL guns cannot be banned. This provides leverage for protest organizers.

What Would Trump Fascism Look Like?

What Would Trump Fascism Look Like? Eight Most Likely Traits

By Al Carroll

TPP protesters visit office of Rep Eli Cummins in Baltimore

President Obama has explicitly said he will not permit the Democratic Party platform to take a position against the TPP trade deal. In response, on the 7th of July fair trade protesters showed up at the offices of Representative Elijah Cummins, who chairs the Democratic Party's platform committee. Elijah Cummins has said before he opposes the TPP and has repeatedly voted against TPP related bills including Obama's treasured "fast-track" bill last year. The protesters were there to say they've got his back and are asking him to stand up to bullying from the Obama administration and ensure that the party platform opposes the TPP trade deal.

Video from the TPP protest at rep Elijah Cummings' office in Baltimore

Protesting Obama's bullying on the TPP to the chair of the DNC platform committee

Donald Trump visit to Capitol Hill draws protests over racism and outsourcing

On the 7th of July, Donald Trump visited GOP officials at the Capitol Hill Club near the US Capitol. Outside, protesters denounced him for racism, sexism, homophobia-and for outsourcing millions of US jobs to other countries. There was mention that the over a billion dollars he managed to lose running his own casino imply his economic performance as President would also lead to bankruptcy. Trump got in and out the back door, same way the rest of the garbage leaves the club and in this case enters. Afterwards, one GOP attendee described Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan as now being "teammates." Unless this is for public consumption, it's opposite what WTOP radio has been saying about GOP unity

Video from the protest of Trump's visit to GOP bigwigs at the Capitol Hill Club

Protesting Donald Trump at the Capitol Hill Club

Police knocking on activist doors in Cleveland before the RNC-two can play at that game

In the wake of court decisions that struck down a huge "no protest" zone around the Cleveland Republican National Convention, cops are now knocking on doors at activists houses in what they call a "community outreach" program. Obviously the real message is "we know where you live and will raid you if anything bad happens during the RNC." These cops need to understand that payback is a game two can play. Perhaps they should talk to DC cops and especially former protest cop Capt Harold about what can happen when protesters are mistreated. They should then remember that DC activists were not using the full range of tactics used by activists elsewhere when they retaliated for things like mock mass arrests or warrants. Cleveland has a much more powerful and aggressive activist presence than DC, police should think twice before infuriating a huge beehive into an all-out swarm.
