Reportback from pro-choice rally at Orlando, FL city hall

Video: Speakers at the Orlando rally warn of what's coming 3 min 9 sec

On the 10th of July, pro-choice activists held a rally at Orlando's city hall. Speakers warned that the religious bigots and Governor "DeSatan" would never stop at just abortion rights but would target contraception and GLBTQ rights next. In fact, that is already starting.

One speaker emphasized the need to create the necessary organizations to distribute abortion drugs in defiance of any laws, and to provide safe abortions without regard for any religiously motivated bans. Fl State Representative Ann Eskamani spoke about the bullshit "abstinance-only" sex education she was subjected to in school. Students were asked by a Christian "teacher" to accept that infamous mint as a symbol of "commit-mint" to no sex until marriage, she refused as a student to accept the mint. Today, she warned rallygoers of the stakes for FL, and another speaker warned that FL Governor "Desatan" in fact plans to run for President if he gets past the 2022 gubernatorial election. His platform will be a national ban on all abortions, and you can bet the GOP will abolish the filibuster to get it. Manchin will have saved exactly NOTHING.

Note that if Florida falls and a 6 week or total abortion ban passes here, there could soon be no place to get an abortion between New Mexico and Washington DC! There is talk of banning abortion in Va, and for that matter Congress could try to ban it in DC after a GOP takeover if they don't get the White House. Abortion is legal at the moment in North Carolina but not doubt the GOP will be chomping at the bit to change that.

If they get the White House, a national ban is almost certain within weeks, and abortion will be forced underground. Then we get recriminalization of same gender sex, a ban on same gender marriage, bans on some or all contraceptive measure, prosecution of parents of transgender kids, probably cannabis recrim as well, a full-court press from religious extremists. The entire US could splinter apart and/or insurgencies ignite over this hornet's nest.

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