
3rd Trumpcare bill stopped after disruptive protests in Hart Building, Sen vote on possible ACA repeal bill 7-25

Update 7-24: Die-in at US Capitol as GOP plans 4th attempt. Sen McCain to return to Congress Tues 7-25 for vote(presumed YES), only one GOP public no at this point. Koch Bros piggy bank reported closed until GOP gets both Trumpcare and Trump tax bill passed.

On the 17th of July, the world got more proof that protest works and direct action gets the goods. Hours after a highly disruptive civil disobedience protest against Trumpcare inside the Hart building, two more GOP Senators declared they would vote no. With 4 no votes from the GOP and 100% nos from the Dems, this bill is again dead. No doubt Trump will try yet again, but Trumpcare has just struck out with three defeats in a row.

Video of protest and arrests in Hart building atrium

Hart building atrium action against Trumpcare, similar to the Bush-era 2007 Iraq War protests in the exact same place. Photo by Amirah Sequera

No Justice No Pride marches for Transgender Liberation

On the 13th of July, No Justice No Pride returned to the streets of DC. With attacks on transgender women soaring and two violent assaults recently, the cops seem more interested in singling out people of color for unpaid bus fare. In addition they are still hassling transgender sex workers as though Stonewall never happened. In the face of these outrages, No Justice No Pride is saying enough is enough.

Video of the march and some of the speakers

No Justice No Pride marches to Indiana Ave on Penn Ave

The Shortwave Report 07?14/17 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,             The latest Shortwave Report (July 14) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {33MB} htt

Submedia's Series "Trouble" to be Screened at Potter's House

Hello folks! On July 28th from 6:00PM-8:00PM there will be a screening of episodes 3 & 4 of's new "Trouble" documentary series at the Potter's House in Adams Morgan. The event will act as an educational and fundraising event for the J20 defendents, who were kettled and mass arrested on January 20th at L and 12th St for protesting the Inauguration of Donald Trump. A recommended donation of $5-$10 is requested from attendees, which will go toward the legal fees associated with the legal defense of the 200+ arrestees, who are each facing charges of 70+ years in prison.

Protesters gather at White House as multiple official sources call Russiagate treason

On the 11th of July, protesters showed outside the White House as the swirling "Russiagate" scandal took a new turn. Donald Trump Jr released emails showing he told Russian spy agencies he "welcomed" their interference in the 2016 election on behalf of his father. He released them only because newspapers were about to. Both former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman and Sen Tim Kaine called Trump Jr's meeting with Russian officials "treason."

Update July 12: Reps Brad Sherman and Al Green file articles of impeachment against Trump

Video from the protest-and of Tim Kaine calling case "potentially treason"
