Submitted by Luke on Mon, 11/20/2017 - 00:32
On Nov 19, 2016, Richard Spencer's "National Policy Institue" (NPI) met in the Ronald Reagan building in DC, throwing Nazi salutes while maybe 1,000 protesters beseiged the building. One year later, on Nov 19, 2017 they had to meet in a barn after the Ronald Reagan building dumped them, and it appears far fewer attended. Recent bounced checks by Richard Spencer probably made hotels unavailable.
Update Nov 20,2017:The barn that hosted NPI has been identified as Rocklands Farm in Poolesville, MD. It appears to be a rustic host site for weddings etc and was rented under false pretences. NPI was ordered to leave as soon as the owners realized they had Nazis on their property

NPI has been reduced to a few Nazis meeting in a barn.